So now that the whole graduation thing is out of the way -(squeal!)-, I'm thinking that it is time for a new contact review!! Ok well the contacts aren't very new but as you may have noticed, I'm a little behind. At least this way I have had plenty of time with them so I can be more accurate with comfort and what have you. Let's get on with it.
base curve: 8.6
diameter: 14.5mm
make: EOS G307 Gothic
color: turquoise
water content: 38%
prescription available: plano only
Full Face:
Close up:
Actual Contact:
Inside, no flash:
Inside, with flash:
Outside, natural lighting:
Comparison (one in, one out):
color/design: 3/5. First off, the color is lovely. I only have a few complaints that keep me from wearing these all too often. First, they are clearly pixelated, which I'm not a fan of. I'm a little OCD so I don't really like that the limbal ring isn't a smooth circle (as you can see from the lens detail pictures). I also wish that the hole for my pupil was a little smaller. It may look wider because the yellow coloring in the middle blends so well with my own color, but I still wish the turquoise came in a little closer because the way is currently is, I don't think it change my eye color all too much. Rather, it more of just lightens and widens my limbal ring? I don't know.. it's hard to describe. Sorry I'm so particular. :/
comfort: 4/5. I am probably the only one but I just don't find EOS as comfortable as GEO's. And I seriously think I might be the only one because everyone else seems to prefer EOS so take my rating with a grain of salt. It isn't that they aren't comfy, they just aren't as comfy. I can wear these for about 4-5 hours before they start feeling uncomfortable (which I guess is actually all you are suppose to wear them for, so I can't complain tooooo much :P).
enlargement: 3/5. These lenses are 14.5mm, however I already have a dark limbal ring naturally and as you can see from the comparison photos, these actually lighten my limbal ring quite a bit. I think this fact may take away from the enlarging factor because I just don't feel like these are as enlarging as they should be.
vendor: 5/5. I got these lenses from and they were just lovely to deal with. My lenses came in about a week and a half coming from Canada which isn't really so bad considering it is international (although only barely, as I am in the US). They often have pretty good sales so make sure to check them out. :)
Well, thats about it for this review. More reviews to come very very soon! :D Please comment with comments, suggestions, questions, or just to say hi. And if you aren't already, please follow me for more reviews (or to just be awesome!).